Anyone that knows me, knows that I say I hate alot of things... I have lost count of the amount of declarations of hatred I have made about the world, and I feel that now is the time to build a list of all those things that Edd... just hates... I expect that this page will become larger than the web itself... but that is fine. I apologise if I offend anyone in the course of this hatred... Don't worry I'm sure I don't directly hate you... there's no need to hate real people.

1000 hates but not counting any more?
(This might not be reflected in the list below, at a point in the past many a hate were lost in the great fire...)

Additions as of 31/03/09...

Chapped-lips - When you start to feel ill just at the point where it is absolutely imperative that you do not get ill...

Additions as of 20/03/09...

Those 15 seconds or so you are supposed to wait when you restart computer hardware...

Additions as of 19/03/09...

Pubs/bars/clubs that do not have their own website, so you cannot check what is on, on a certain day - When you cannot afford to eat healthily so you feel really shit - That computers are not quite advanced enough to scan in writing and convert it to text without errors, so you have to type up huge documents that have already been written out...

Additions as of 07/03/09...

When you have so much stuff with you that you are guaranteed to leave something behind at some point...

Additions as of 06/03/09...

Stitches in all their forms...

Additions as of 04/03/09...

That being angry and shouting at people to get things done gets you much further in this world than being calm and reasonable...

Additions as of 02/03/09...

Those little bits of food you get stuck between your teeth and cannot get out - That what you think you want, and what you actually need are nearly always two entirely different things...

Additions as of 01/03/09...

That the tube does not open until 7 30 on a sunday, making it hard to leave clubs, mashed, and get the tube - Venues that do not display their address or map prominantly on their website...